Alnye Trucking


The ALNYE Companies
A Safety Serious Professional Team

Over the past 20 years, the ALNYE Companies have re-committed themselves to implementing a Professional Safety Program. Safety is ALNYE’s #1 priority, and the companies continue to maintain a strong, safety-first focus in all aspects of the business. This ensures that the company’s equipment is completely operational and in full compliance of applicable requirements, and that all employees perform and present themselves as true professionals at all times.

To support this commitment, ALNYE has established a dedicated Safety Team with the exclusive mission of creating and implementing the numerous Safety Programs engaged by the ALNYE companies. It is the responsibility of this team for maintaining oversight of the systems, while coordinating with the Management Team to ensure the success of the Safety Programs. The team consists of:

To further enhance the program and provide continuous information to the employees, Quarterly Safety Sessions are developed and presented in which every ALNYE employee is required to attend. The sessions include, but are not limited to:

  • Discussions of major safety topics.
  • Introductions and refresher training of equipment safety features.
  • Instructions and expectations for the safe operation of equipment.
  • Reviewing videos of in-house experiences, and round-table discussions on how certain situations could have been avoided.
  • Reviewing posters of safety topics and handouts.
  • Discussions of FMCSA & State Requirements/Regulations

The team also maintains a Coaching Program to assist drivers and other employees in their quest for continuous improvement of their job skills.


To recognize an employee’s success of the various safety programs, ALNYE has implemented, and annually reviews, a Safety Recognition Program. A Quarterly Safety & Performance Award is paid to all qualifying employees. In order to be eligible for the award an employee must qualify as a “Professional” with no disqualifying safety or performance violations, and has attended the required Safety Seminar for the specific quarter.